Temp Employees- Secure Onboarding and Offboarding

For many businesses, the summer brings with it a surge of temporary employees, increasing the need for efficient and secure onboarding and offboarding processes. Failing to secure these can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access, putting your company at risk. This article highlights the critical steps to ensure your temporary workforce is managed securely, protecting your company’s data and systems from potential threats.

Secure Onboarding

Identity Verification

Implement robust verification processes to confirm the identity of new hires. This includes:

Access Provisioning

Secure Device for Onboarding

Device Provisioning

Operum Tech can remotely configure and provision devices, ensuring they are pre-installed with necessary software and security settings. This includes setting up user accounts, installing antivirus software, and applying encryption.


Need help training? Operum Tech provides remote training sessions to help employees understand how to use the devices securely, including navigating installed software and adhering to security protocols.

Efficient Offboarding

Access Revocation

Data Security

Device Management

Operum Tech’s remote services can grant and manage access rights, ensuring employees receive timely access to the necessary systems and applications. Our automated tools reduce the risk of human error and ensure that permissions are always up-to-date or revoked in real-time as employee roles change (or leave the company), maintaining strict control over who can access sensitive data.

Exit Interviews


Ensuring secure onboarding and offboarding processes is always critical, of course, but especially so during the summer when temporary employees are common. 

By following these secure onboarding and offboarding steps for temp employees, you will minimize the possible threats to your data and systems. If you’d like Operum Tech’s touchless support services to enhance these processes for your business, get in touch with us today. 

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